Auto Repair Garage South Windsor CT: Call 860-650-1300

Auto Repair Warranty in South Windsor CT 06074

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Up To 36 Month / 36,000 Mile Warranty on Auto Repairs from Precision Motor Coach in South Windsor CT 06074

Precision Motor Coach provides a solid auto repair warranty because we stand behind our work. That’s why we’re “Your Personal Auto Doctor Keeping Your Vehicle In Good Mobile Health”

36 Month / 36,000 mile Auto Repair Warranty in South Windsor, CT As a Professional Auto Repair Shop, Precision Motor Coach in South Windsor CT is committed to providing you world-class auto service, repairs and maintenance – and we stand behind it too!

To do that, we combine prompt service, superior customer care & service with quality parts.

Doing that lets us stand behind our work. Here’s the auto repair warranties we provide our customers.

  • The standard warranty on auto repairs is 12 months, 12,000 miles
  • Warranty on Brakes: 36 months, 36,000 miles parts; 12 months, 12,000 miles labor
  • Many other repairs & services: 36 months, 36,000 miles parts; 12 months, 12,000 mile labor

Questions about our warranty? Just pick up the phone and call us at 860-650-1300. We’ll answer all of your questions, guaranteed!

Quality Auto Parts, skilled automotive technicians and superior customer service – that’s what Precision Motor Coach in South Windsor CT is all about.

Precision Motor Coach Auto Repairs – Your Repair Garage conveniently located in South Windsor CT 09074
Serving car owners throughout South Windsor, East Windsor, Manchester, Enfield, East Hartford and Broad Brook Since 1994.